IR Temperature Sensor: How to Choose the Right IR Temperature Sensor

IR Temperature Sensor: How to Choose the Right IR Temperature Sensor

IR sensors, also known as an Infrared sensors, is an electronic device used to measure and detect infrared radiation in the environment. An IR temperature sensor measure temperature using an infrared temperature probe. It works by detecting the infrared energy produced by various materials. These are materials with higher temperatures than absolute zero. This type of temperature sensor is used in contact-type instruments like thermocouples, thermistors, semiconductor temperature sensors, and RTDs. They are used in industrial and commercial facilities to determine the temperature of an object by the infrared radiation that is emitted.

Types of IR Temperature Sensors

IR temperature sensors or thermometers come in three main types. These types are:

No-Lense IR Thermometers

These thermometers are cheap and easy to use. They are ideal for cold environments since they do not have protection from a lens to keep them from getting damaged in high temperatures. No-lense IR thermometers are also pretty small compared to the other forms. These devices use a funnel made up of reflective fabric to focus their IR light on an individual area. The funnel design prevents it from requiring a latent period when going between different surroundings. The downside with this type of IR temperature reader is that they are not suitable for long-distance readings. They are available in a wide range of sizes and styles.

Frensel Lens IR Thermometers

This is the most common type of IR temperature sensor utilized in the food market. Contrary to the other types, they have a limited temperature range. They are also inexpensive in that they can be used in restaurant environments. However, they are not as versatile as the other styles. Their lenses are made of plastic. Therefore, they do not do well in varying temperatures and require an acclimation phase. This is when the temperature drops or rises.

Mica Lens IR Thermometers

They are the most expensive IR temperature sensors. Therefore, they are only used in commercial or factory settings. Their high cost can be attributed to the complexity of their lenses constructed from mineral glass. However, this element also makes them more prone to damage. They can also read temperatures from far distances.

How to Choose the Best IR Temperature Sensors

Below are some tips or factors to consider when choosing an IR temperature sensor:

Consider the various types

The first thing you should do is look into the available types of IR temperatures. It would help if you considered the advantages and downsides of each type. You can also look into how each type works. This way, you can make an informed decision.

Consider the application

It would also be wise to consider how and where you wish to use the IR temperature sensor. Note that the type of IR thermometer you choose will significantly depend on the application. For instance, a mica lense IR thermometer is excellent for industrial applications, while the other two types mentioned above can be applied in small commercial areas and at home. Therefore, the kind of IR temperature sensor you choose should be based on the type of application.

Consider the cost of the product

Various types and brands of IR temperature sensors cost different prices. Therefore, it would help if you looked into the prices of each product before deciding on the best one. One of the first things you should do before you go shopping for an IR temperature sensor is create a budget. Once you have done this, it will be easier to choose a product based on the price.

Consider the accuracy

Accuracy is an essential characteristic of an IR sensor. It is imperative with IR thermometers because they are used in applications that need exact temperature readings. Therefore, you must ensure that the product is highly accurate.


This refers to how much energy a device can emit at a time. It affects the readings. It would be wise to choose a thermometer that enables you to alter the energy it emits. Doing this will ensure that the material does not reflect the energy.

Temperature range

The temperature range will directly affect the application of the product. For instance, no-lense thermometers can only be used in cold temperatures. This means that they are not great for industrial applications.

IR Temperature Sensor Recap

Other factors to consider include the design, temperature recording, read speed, and warranty. It would also help to seek help from professionals when choosing the best IR temperature sensor.

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