In an ever-changing world, it can be difficult to predict what might happen in the future. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t try to understand how things might play out. Trends that impact the world almost always start somewhere. In this case, we’re looking at the interior design industry as a possible catalyst for change.
Whether you are an aspiring designer or just someone who is interested in the Surrey home design, it pays to be aware of trends and changes that may affect your work or career path. Interior design is an industry that has evolved over time thanks to new technology and shifting social ideals. Perhaps most importantly, these trends will have a significant impact on how we live and where we live in future years.
The Trends That Will Shape The Future of Interior Design
1. Virtual and Augmented Reality
One of the most recent trends in the field of interior design is the rise of virtual and augmented reality technology. VR and AR have been around for years, but they have recently become more accessible to users and businesses alike. This means that they are likely to play a larger role in the future of interior design.
In fact, virtual reality is already being used to help designers by letting them see “what if” scenarios. VR and AR are already making waves in the interior design industry because they are changing how people design and shop for their home. These technologies will likely continue to expand as the industry grows.
2. Big Data and AI
Interior design is human-centered. As it evolves and matures, it is becoming increasingly data-driven with a focus on big data and artificial intelligence. This trend is especially apparent in the retail sector, where retail design is adapting to the behaviour and needs of modern customers. Retailers are now focusing on delivering a personalized experience, tailored to each individual shopper.
AI and machine learning will play a significant role in this, with retailers using sophisticated algorithms to collect data on their customers and their buying habits. This data will then be used to inform and optimize the layout and design of retail stores. Another way design is becoming more data-driven is through the use of 3D models.
3. Responsive Everything
The degree to which technology is intertwined with our lives is only set to increase. This is likely to be reflected in the world of interior design and will likely see everything become increasingly “responsive”. Imagine if your home was responsive and could automatically change its temperature, lights, and even its layout based on things like your mood and daily schedule.
This may sound like something straight out of a futuristic movie, but it could become a reality within the next few years. Beyond homes, responsive design could be incorporated into everything from buildings to furniture. This could allow designers to develop pieces that change in response to their environment or the needs of their users.
4. Eco-Friendly Materials
Over the last decade, the popularity of green design has grown significantly. This has led to the emergence of eco-friendly materials and building practices that are better for the environment. It is likely that this trend will continue as more designers embrace eco-friendly materials in the future. One such material is bamboo, which is increasingly being used for furniture and home decor pieces. Bamboo is a sustainable and eco-friendly material that is super easy to work with.
It is also an excellent alternative to woods like maple, walnut, and oak, which can be heavily unsustainable. Another eco-friendly material to keep an eye on is hemp. Hemp is a fabric that is sustainable and exceptionally durable, which makes it a great choice for designers looking for a unique material. Hemp also has antimicrobial properties that make it easy to clean and keep sterile, so it could be used in hospitals and other health care facilities in the future.
5. Smart Homes and Buildings
As technology continues to grow, it is likely that it will play a larger role in the design and creation of our buildings. This means that buildings will likely become increasingly “smart” in the future. From the way buildings are designed to their layout and the systems and appliances within them, everything will be connected and controlled via a central system. This system could be a computer or a smartphone app that allows homeowners to remotely control their appliances and systems.
This could range from things like adjusting the temperature of your home to activating a security system or unlocking the front door. Designers could also start to use automation to create more efficient buildings. For example, a building could be designed to automatically turn off lights if no one is in a particular area.
The Future of Interior Design: Final Thoughts
The interior design industry is constantly evolving and changing. New technology, trends, and ideals all play a role in this. The five trends outlined above are likely to have a significant impact on how we live and where we live in the future. They will also transform the industry itself, bringing with it new job opportunities. If you are interested in pursuing a career in interior design, it can be helpful to understand how the industry is changing.